These workout are to be in conjunction with your normal crossfit workouts and should be done a minimum of 3hrs post main WOD. If you are training for a single sport, train with 4 to 6 crossfit workouts, supplemented with 2 to 3 sport specific endurance workouts. If you are training for a multi sport, train 4 to 6 crossfit workouts, supplemented with 2 endurance workouts per week per sport. I will be posting the following days workout the night before. Every other Saturday we will try to get together for an endurance workout we can all have fun with..

Monday, May 23, 2011

Tuesday 5/24/11


swim, bike, run, or C2 for 60 sec then rest for 40 sec for 10 rds

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Monday 5/23/11

Long Intervals x 3

swim: 700m x 3rds....rest 5 min between rds.
bike : 10 miles x 3 rds....rest 10 min between rds
run: 3 miles x 3rds.......rest 5 to 10 min between rds
C2 : 1800m x 3rds.....rest 10 min between rds

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sunday 5/22/11

Rest Day

complete a crossfit lake city wod

Friday, May 20, 2011

Saturday 5/21/11

Time Trial

swim: 30 min
bike: 60 min
run: 60 min
C2: 20 min

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Friday 5/20/11

Hill Repeats

max effort for 45 sec then 60 sec recovery for 10 rds..

swim: use a t shirt for drag
bike : find a hill with 8 to 12 % grade
run : find a hill with 8 to 12% grade
C2 : set rower to 10

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thursday 5/19/11

TOSH !!! This is going to be a run day!!

3rds 200m, 400m, 600m......rest as long as it takes to run each leg...

ex: run 200m in a time of 30 sec..then rest 30 sec.. then run 400m and so on

Wednesday, May 4, 2011



60 sec on then 60 sec off for 10 rounds..

Monday, May 2, 2011

Tuesday 5/3/11


swim, bike, run or C2...

20 sec on : 10 sec off for 8 rds

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Monday 5/2/11

Rest Day

Complete a crossfit wod